iOS Interview Questions ๐ŸŽ

In this article, I will try to add as many Q&Aโ€™s related to iOS . I will keep on updating this article. Hope it helps you guys ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜‰.

3 min readMar 5, 2020
Image by <a href=โ€;utm_medium=referra
image credit : pixbay

Q. Which function can you use on XCTest to clean up after every unit test?

A. tearDown: function

Q. Which framework has a C-based API to play short, simple sound effects in iOS?

A. Sound System Services within the AudioToolbox framework

Q. Which technique can be used to fire a completion handler when several asynchronous tasks finish at different times finish using GCD?

A. Dispatch Groups

Q. Which Instrument would be most suited to debug whether a view is drawn from cache or redrawn?

A. Core Animation

Q. To opt a UIViewController into state preservation, which property must first be set by the programmer?




Written by Abhimuralidharan

iOS and tvOS developer, dreamer, photographer ๐Ÿคจ

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