Wireless app installation & debugging in xcode 9

2 min readOct 4, 2017


We all know that Apple ships the most durable USB cables which last for a lifetimeπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’. It was a pain for app developers to always connect and disconnect the device for app installation and debugging which will damage the USB cable pretty easily. Well, in xcode 9 , debugging feature on Xcode 9 at WWDC 17. Lets see how to do it.

from developer.apple.com

Minimum Requirements:

  • iOS11
  • Xcode 9

Steps to set up the device:

  • Xcode Menubar β†’ Window β†’Devices and Simulators
  • Connect the device to your Mac using a lightning cable.
  • If your device is displayed in the Devices and simulators window, your connection was successful. Click on your device and in the right detail pane, check for β€œConnect via network ” checkbox.
  • Tick the checkbox and a network icon will be displayed toward the right of the device name.
  • Thats it. Disconnect your device and now you can install or debug without using the cable.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the device is connected to the same network as that of the mac 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐.

source : internet

Thats it.!!


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